Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Where Our Name Came From

Two questions usually come up when we tell people about our store: namely, what is Sala? (this from the non-tagalog speakers or black and white thinkers) and, why Sala? (this from the more inquisitive and maybe romantic ones?). Sometimes, I wished that I have some fabulous story to tell about our naming process, or at least, something that shows how wit just comes second nature to us. But alas, no, the name came to us from the side of a truck. We have been brainstorming about a name for weeks, turning words over our heads - desperately searching for anything catchy, unique and very witty - when one day, stopped at a traffic light, a truck bearing this name crossed the intersection:

My Filipino-brain immediately read: Sala. And yes, I thought, that's it - SALA - living room - the place where we put our best and most prized stuff in the house, the cleaniest, prettiest, and most displayed spot in a Filipino house. Exactly the concept we were gunning for. Of course, the above logo actually says SAIA - but never mind, it made me think of SALA, and the rest, they say, is our short history.

Nowadays, people tease me about the ubiquitous trucks bearing our so-called name all over the place (SAIA is a trucking company) - are those yours, they sheepishly ask. Of course not, we barely own a jeep to put all our stuff in, we answer. But if they make you think of us, then I was not alone in my dyslexia.

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